Pre-assembled terahertz sets


  • Pre-assembled and pre-aligned terahertz sets
  • Optimized for transmission or reflection experiment
  • Technical passport and test report included


TERAVIL provides basic pre-assembled and pre-aligned terahertz sets for transmission or reflection experiments. The standard set consists of photoconductive antenna THz emitter and detector, THz emitter/detector mounting stage (MNT), THz beam guiding optics and sample holder. All components are assembled on the baseplate of 25×45 cm dimension or on the 47 cm optical rail.

The THz beam paths will be pre-aligned. Therefore, it is only required to feed the laser beam into THz emitter and detector. Laser must satisfy following parameters: pulse duration ~100 fs, repetition rate in range 10-100 MHz, laser wavelength ~780 nm or ~1060 nm.

Six standard configurations are available, optimized for transmission or reflection measurement.

Configurations & Drawings, Specifications


SET-1– THz emitter, detector and sample holder mounted on 47cm optical rail


Includes: 47 cm optical rail, THz emitter, THz detector, THz Emitter/Detector Mounting Stages (2 units) and sample holder.


Parameter Value or used model
THz emitter EMT-8 or EMT-10
THz detector DET-8 or DET-10
THz Emitter/Detector Mounting Stage MNT
Beam height* 107 mm
Distance between THz Emitter and Detector 270 mm
THz beam diameter ~10 mm
* Under request beam height could be increased by adding additional plates with standard height of 15 or 25 mm.


SET-2 – THz emitter, detector and sample holder mounted on 47cm optical rail with high density polyethylene lenses


Includes: 47 cm optical rail, THz emitter, THz detector, THz Emitter/Detector Mounting Stages (2 units), HDPE lenses (2 units) and sample holder.


Parameter Value or used model
THz emitter EMT-8 or EMT-10
THz detector DET-8 or DET-10
THz Emitter/Detector Mounting Stage MNT
Beam height* 107 mm
THz lenses HDPE
Distance between THz Emitter and Detector 270 mm
THz beam diameter ~4-5 mm
* Under request beam height could be increased by adding additional plates with standard height of 15 or 25 mm.


SET-3 – THz emitter and detector mounted on 25×45 cm baseplate, transmission module with two parabolic mirrors and sample holder

Includes: 25×45 cm baseplate, THz emitter, THz detector, THz Emitter/Detector Mounting Stages (2 units), transmission module (20x24 cm transmission module plate, 2” 90° Off-axis parabolic mirror (2 units), sample holder).

Note: Transmission module is removable and could be easily replaced by Reflection module (could be ordered separately). THz optical path remains the same.


Parameter Value or used model
THz emitter EMT-8 or EMT-10
THz detector DET-8 or DET-10
THz Emitter/Detector Mounting Stage MNT
Beam height* 11.7 cm
THz optics 90° Off-axis parabolic mirrors, 2”
Distance between THz Emitter and Detector 62.5 cm
THz beam diameter 1-2 mm
* Under request beam height could be increased by adding additional plates with standard height of 15 or 25 mm.


SET-4 – THz emitter and detector mounted on 25×45 cm baseplate, reflection module (0 deg) with HRFZ-Si beam splitter, parabolic mirror, metal mirrors and sample holder

Includes: 25×45 cm baseplate, THz emitter, THz detector, THz Emitter/Detector Mounting Stages (2 units), reflection module (20x24 cm reflection module plate, 2” 90° Off-axis parabolic mirror, Si beam splitter, metal mirror, sample holder, sample holder plates with 5x5, 10x10 and 25x25mm holes).

Note: Reflection module is removable and could be easily replaced by Transmission module (could be ordered separately). Transmission and Reflection modules are designed so, that THz pulse is seen approximately at the same place in time when switching from one to another configuration.


Parameter Value or used model
THz emitter EMT-8 or EMT-10
THz detector DET-8 or DET-10
THz Emitter/Detector Mounting Stage MNT
Beam height* 11.7 cm
THz optics 2” 90° Off-axis parabolic mirror, Si beam splitter, metal mirror
Distance between THz Emitter and Detector 62.5 cm
THz beam diameter 1-2 mm
Configuration reflection, normal incidence angle
* Under request beam height could be increased by adding additional plates with standard height of 15 or 25 mm.


SET-5 – THz emitter and detector mounted on 25×45 cm baseplate, transmission setup with four parabolic mirrors and sample holder

Includes: 25×45 cm baseplate, THz emitter, THz detector, THz Emitter/Detector Mounting Stages (2 units), 2” 90° Off-axis parabolic mirror (2 units), 1” 90° Off-axis parabolic mirror (2 units) and sample holder.


Parameter Value or used model
THz emitter EMT-8 or EMT-10
THz detector DET-8 or DET-10
THz Emitter/Detector Mounting Stage MNT
Beam height* 11.8 cm
THz optics 90° Off-axis parabolic mirrors, 2” an 1”
Distance between THz Emitter and Detector 60 cm
THz beam diameter 2-3 mm
* Under request beam height could be increased by adding additional plates with standard height of 15 or 25 mm.


SET-6 – THz emitter and detector mounted on 25×45 cm baseplate, transmission setup with four parabolic mirrors and sample holder, reflection setup (45 deg) with parabolic mirror.

Includes: 25×45 cm baseplate, THz emitter, THz detector, THz Emitter/Detector Mounting Stages (2 units), 2” 90° Off-axis parabolic mirror (3 units), 1” 90° Off-axis parabolic mirror (2 units) and sample holder.

Note: Switching between Transmission and Reflection modes appears by turning off/on flipping mirror with parabolic mirror before THz detector.


Parameter Value or used model
THz emitter EMT-8 or EMT-10
THz detector DET-8 or DET-10
THz Emitter/Detector Mounting Stage MNT
Beam height* 11.8 cm
THz optics 90° Off-axis parabolic mirrors, 2” an 1”
Distance between THz Emitter and Detector 60 cm
THz beam diameter 2-3 mm
Configuration Transmission and 45° incidence angle Reflection
* Under request beam height could be increased by adding additional plates with standard height of 15 or 25 mm.

Ordering Information

Model For Laser: Description/Notes
SET-1-800 800 nm THz emitter, detector and sample holder mounted on 47cm optical rail
SET-2-800 800 nm THz emitter, detector and sample holder mounted on 47cm optical rail with high density polyethylene lenses
SET-3-800 800 nm THz emitter and detector mounted on 25×45 cm baseplate, transmission module with two parabolic mirrors and sample holder
SET-4-800 800 nm THz emitter and detector mounted on 25×45 cm baseplate, reflection module (0 deg) with HRFZ-Si beam splitter, parabolic mirror, metal mirrors and sample holder
SET-5-800 800 nm THz emitter and detector mounted on 25×45 cm baseplate, transmission setup with four parabolic mirrors and sample holder
SET-6-800 800 nm THz emitter and detector mounted on 25×45 cm baseplate, transmission setup with four parabolic mirrors and sample holder, reflection setup (45 deg) with parabolic mirror
SET-1-1060 1060 nm THz emitter, detector and sample holder mounted on 47cm optical rail
SET-2-1060 1060 nm THz emitter, detector and sample holder mounted on 47cm optical rail with high density polyethylene lenses
SET-3-1060 1060 nm THz emitter and detector mounted on 25×45 cm baseplate, transmission module with two parabolic mirrors and sample holder
SET-4-1060 1060 nm THz emitter and detector mounted on 25×45 cm baseplate, reflection module (0 deg) with HRFZ-Si beam splitter, parabolic mirror, metal mirrors and sample holder
SET-5-1060 1060 nm THz emitter and detector mounted on 25×45 cm baseplate, transmission setup with four parabolic mirrors and sample holder
SET-6-1060 1060 nm THz emitter and detector mounted on 25×45 cm baseplate, transmission setup with four parabolic mirrors and sample holder, reflection setup (45 deg) with parabolic mirror